Helping people experiencing homelessness

Published: Friday 28 June 2024

young person looking out a window

In recent years across Scotland, there has been an unprecedented increase in homelessness. 

This has resulted in huge pressures being placed on homelessness services.

The national position is very much reflected here in South Lanarkshire.  We have experienced a 38% increase in the number of people who have approached the council and been assessed as homeless over the last three years and we currently have over 1,500 people on the housing register who are homeless.

The council and its’ partners have a long history of successfully delivering a wide range of services to help and support those experiencing homelessness, which includes some of the most vulnerable within our communities.  Despite the current challenges and pressures on our services, we are however continuing to work together to make a difference.

One of the initiatives the council and its partners delivers to tackle homelessness, is the Housing First approach.  This approach aims to provide housing to individuals who are particularly vulnerable and who have multiple and complex needs. By providing a safe and affordable home, with wrap around support, individuals have the chance to rebuild their lives.

This approach focuses on long-term solutions and has had a significant impact on those individuals affected by homelessness.

 Stephen, who benefited from this approach had previously been homeless on a number of occasions and had been in and out of emergency accommodation.  The stress of not having a permanent home intensified his mental health and addiction issues which led him to being involved in crime and resulted in several prison sentences.

After agreeing to work with the council and its partners, Stephen received intensive support to help deal with the issues he was experiencing, and he is now settled in his own home. He now feels more in control of his life and is no longer involved in crime. 

Stephen* said: “It feels great to now be in control. I didn’t think I needed the support, but I am now getting involved in activities that mean something to me and don’t feel embarrassed about it.”

While the circumstances remain challenging, through continued dedication and collaboration, we will continue to support those who are experiencing homelessness to achieve positive outcomes.

*Stephen – not his real name.